Massive List of SC5000 Issues (all with video evidence)

File a defect/bug report on it and switch to using the hot cues for now.

  1. New issue… happened at a wedding

We are now on SEVEN issues with these decks with above and beyond proof they exist, yet no one can do anything about it! No one from Denon will even reach out to me.

I’m appalled at how little testing has been conducted on these products prior to release. I’ve spent my last year doing free testing and bug reporting for Denon, just to be completely ignored. It’s also partially my fault for even attempting at using these for a wedding…

Last week I had a wedding and one of the decks just stopped working while a song was playing on it. The music immediately cut out. I had to be master of ceremonies, do a light show, all club blends/mixing, and everything went 100%, couldn’t have been better, yet the only issue was this deck decided to stop working and eventually cut out shortly after. In addition to this, I have a video recording of the loop function not working which started occurring shortly before this happened. This is a new issue I’ve never previously experienced. Please see video below…

If any moderator/technician is reading this, I am doing free testing and bug reporting for you guys. If you have any urge to fine-tune your products, you should reach out to me directly to help you fix all of these issues. I am hand feeding Denon a dozen issues (with extraordinary amounts of proof) and for some reason no one wants to fix them :man_shrugging:

I really don’t think there’s 7 things for denon to fix. I think a few of these have got to be at your end. If these 7 (not massive list … 7 ) things were inherent in all Sc 5000 primes either as firmware or hardware, the denon dj world forum and socials would have erupted volcano-like 2.5 years ago - but it hasn’t - only 2 of these have even been mentioned before by anyone else , and even then, not in relation to or on the same deck as any of the other problems.

I think you’ve probably got one or somehow two damaged sc5000s, some cable issue, maybe network Cable or power Cable or both, file issues - or a combination of any of these issues.

Yes denon should get both units in for testing from you and maybe swap them out for other b grade tested models but I don’t think what you’re doing is anything above what anyone should do in terms of user testing to narrow down what this is or isn’t. There’s no magic spell fix - some modern things have so many different ways of being used that a test engineer might not ever match all the things Your decks are being put through in terms of files, modes, local power issues, faulty cables, usb devices etc

But yes, denon swapping out two other tested b grades , if your units are both in warranty might be a good start - if thecfault(s) remains then you’re looking for some issiecthats local to your setup or files or usb devices or connected gear / speakers/amps and so on

With respect, it’s not true that no one wants to fix them. However “proof” is not enough. The most important line on any bug report form is “Steps to reproduce”.

Put yourself in the position of a software engineer. The short video shows a malfunction but no context and no steps leading up to it. A software engineer needs to know how to reliably trigger the exact same malfunction so that he or she can modify the code, put in triggers or output trace messages to a console etc… this will help to zero in on the problem and when you build a solution you can run through all the same tests again to validate the fix on the bench so you know you really did fix it and nothing else got broken in the process.

Without describing the way to repeatably trigger the error, it is naive to expect an engineer to guess what happened. So if you really want to help get an issue fixed, try to ensure you know what triggers it then report it in the right form so they can put it into their internal issue tracking system. Engineers rarely work alone, they usually need to collaborate, hence issue tracking systems are used for communication.

Reduce the number of variables: use the same sound file, always set up the device consistently, always run through the steps like a scripted robot. You may even need to start from power up and run through the setup before you trigger the error if that’s what it takes to trigger a malfunction reliably. What you’re aiming for is to pinpoint the one change that breaks the process.

Think like a software engineer. Enable someone at Denon to reproduce your problem setup. Then they can bring their tools to bear on the problem. That’s how it gets fixed.


Your reproduce steps need to be absolute, step by step

From the deck being unconnected with no leads plugged in, no power. Then list the one by one steps of like

  1. I plugged a 1 metre network cable from Ethernet socket 1 in the mixer to The decks only Ethernet port.

  2. plugged in power from deck to 4 way power extension lead “a”

  3. plugged rca audio lead from deck 1 layer 1 to mixer channel input number … etc

And also providibg answers to questions that people ask mid thread and only putting one query on each bug report thread

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This happened because you were mixing or synced with another track that had elastic beatgrids and you did not show it. When you don’t anchor your grid properly this is the effect. I’ve been able to repeat this.

Looking at your other posts and videos @djbertie … Maybe if you DIDNT get your gear so wet it would everybody else’s. Hate to be so blunt and callous but when you play with your gear unprotected in the rain then I would take a good long hard look at the effects of liquids on electronics… Try chucking your phone in the toilet then moaning it doesn’t work… is that Samsung’s fault that they didn’t tell you not to throw it in toilet???.

To "fix " your issues… 1 keep it dry. 2 stop relying on streaming. 3 sort your library out for corrupted tracks. If all above fails go and buy pioneer… they have just as many if not more issues if you don’t follow the above

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This has nothing to do with rain.

It has to do with this

In order to help resolve issues you gotta make it repeatable. I was able to repeat his issue and anybody who uses elastic beatgrids could pick it out by looking more closely.

Most of us have been here for awhile and were part of the old forum. We know each other, know how to troll each other and know how to help each other.

It’s a bug for sure


Fair play @Wyley1 . So not a bug at all … more of user failure

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