Any idea on second wave of SC6000's will be released?

Yes, this is actually an intolerable situation. Covid-19 may be a reason, but it is often used as an excuse.

I had heard about the SC6000, found it great and decided to buy it.

Then came the rude awakening when I had to learn that these devices had been virtually unavailable for months - even though the introduction was at the beginning of the year. At the beginning I still thought: “Oh, in the Internet there is always only nonsense anyway, it won’t be that bad…” In the meantime I’m smarter.

What annoys me the most is that many distributors are not completely honest. In the store it says “available at short notice” or “available in 2-3 weeks” and if you order then, the rude awakening comes.

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I’m confident that they will arrive as soon as possible. I’m waiting for 2 myself… Its a long wait yes, but the X1850 is secure and safe under my bed until its buddies arrive :joy:


I would not be able to do that. Even if I wanted to, some satanic voice would force me to unbox the mixer and use it… :joy:


I want it to be brand new when I put the new setup together :blush:

But I think I’ve heard voices from under my bed the last 2 months :joy::joy::joy:


…and the sudden voices said: “clean out the dust from under the bed…”


Not sure how you can strain yourself. I would hook up any media player and start using the effects. :slight_smile:

The only thing that drags me to open it, is that I want to bring the full setup to the showroom in the dj shop I work… But still in need of the two players… :joy:

So untill they arrive, I will ‘sleep’ on it and dream of having them :smile:

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Haha, don’t wet the bed…

I, for now, have put the Prime2 back in it’s box to make some space. My X1800 has been repaired and I could place the “old” 5000 set on the table. Kids need to make way then, so not really an option… :wink:

Thinking of selling the 1-time used Magma coffin. The SC6000’s don’t fit in it and it could use a new owner.

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Th…nn in Germany shipped one of my two ordered devices today. So the promised smaller batch seems to have arrived.


Today they shipped the 2nd unit and the SC6000M is labeled as „in stock“.

Elevator tell me yesterday that my Set will be shipped in April! What the ■■■■?

Well that’s easy - change supplier.

When one supplier can’t get stock or can’t get it quick when other places have got something in stock , there could be all sorts of reasons for it. They could even be trying to make you buy something that they’ve already got in stock eg: something they have already bought and don’t have to find money to buy in for you. It could also be that they’re on credit hold with whichever company they buy their denon gear through , or other reasons

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What year? :joy:


West end DJ have the M’s in stock… waiting for the non spinning version.

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In France, there are also Black Friday deals but still not a single SC6000/M … it’s a pity :unamused: How it is possible ??? Denon doesn’t care about Freanch/European market ??? Pioneer has clearly won the battle in this end of 2020

Because Denon have made a great model and demand has outstripped stock levels. That’s not ideal, but it’s better than things being the other way around.

Not agree, there are way more CDJ3000 out there (in France) than SC6000/M launched 8 months before.

The demand is here but the offering is really ridiculous. Denon knew Pioneer was making a new CDJ so they had to anticipate and schedule optimal production quantities.

It’s even more critical at the end of the year for BF, Christmas…etc

Some stores tell they will receive next batches only on January 2021 :scream:

That’s the bottom line.

If there are 1750 of the SC6000 available to Europe in November and 1749 want one, then you wouldn’t hear or read anyone saying “my dealer says I have to wait”

The issue is that more people want the prime 6000 than there are 6000s available in the region.

No, the issue is that Denon DJ can’t deliver in any reasonable quantities.

I pre-ordered in late January, got mine in September. I’ve had bad luck with both units (the jogs have issues). I was able to get one replaced two weeks ago. The next one might get replaced end of December (if a shipment arrives).

Whenever I talk to my retailer - one of the biggest in my country - they tell me they get a few units here & there. Mostly, it’s less than ten units at a time.

Not sure why you try to defend Denon DJ when it’s an open secret that they’ve got supply chain issues.


I noticed yesterday that several Spanish retailers have the M version available at a €100 discount for black Friday. They might ship to France if you really want them but normally there is an issue with warranty returns as you will have to cover the cost of shipping.