X1800 Mixer Feature Requests

I left it on bitcrusher for like, a couple days I think. Since I found it burned in I started turning it off when not using it. But it’s not bad, you almost have to look for it when scrolling through other effects. All you see are faint gaps in the letters.

If you’ve never touched the screen info, you’ll have burn in. They are working on solving/preventing it.

It’s more than faint and you really don’t need to look for it:

(The diagonal stripes are camera vs. screen refresh differences)

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Thanks for the picture - how long did you leave it on for it to become like that?

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It’s part of my audio routing, so several hours per day. Turning it off for more than a day does not resolve it.

I have an LG 4K OLED TV and am definitely aware of burn-in with these screen types. However, the TV still has no issues; and if it would, it has a pixel refresh option (which runs automatically after powering off). Probably because the mixer’s OLED is single color it acts this way.

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I will check mine tonight if I ever get out of the office :expressionless:

That’s a lot worse than what I get :c

Yeah it’s due to the static color and the same ones being lit for long periods.

I made this picture with a bit less exposure to demonstrate what I mean. In reality it’s a bit better, but overall the screen eventually needs replacing.

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Hi Guys,

Rather than one long chain, please create individual requests for features in the new Feature Request area. A single thread will allow users to vote on that particular feature making it highly visible to our team. Requests are less visible when grouped in a single thread. Thanks for your help!
