X1800 Firmware v1.3 Now Available!

Same problem here :cry: I had problem when updating to 1.2 version and had to send it to repair, I hope this is not the case again. On top of this I received a new X1850 a week ago but it was broken and I had to send it back.

Finally i got it to work on retry 10 (or more), puh!

Looks exactly like mine, what do you think you did to finally get it to work?

I think you may have something there, my laptop only has USB 3.0 ports, I have an older Windows 8 desktop with some 2.0 ports and it connected via USB1 and appears to now be accepting the 1.3 update. Fingers crossed it will complete and reboot…

Edit: It worked! Took the update and booted up!

I updated with a USB3 port on my computer. Perhaps the USB chip brand is the issue.

I was able to update the firmware last night no problems. Although after it finished, my main Windows computer stopped streaming audio on USB A. But I think it was just Windows freaking out. It worked fine after repairing the control panel. USB B connected to my streaming server worked fine.

In regards to the updates. Some of them are very welcome. The LED brightness is something I was needing. Now i just need that on the SC5000. The updated FX sound pretty darn good. The Dry/Wet changes will take some getting used to. I still wish the Flanger sounded better, it’s a bit too tin can for my taste.

But overall good work! I can’t wait for future updates to the x1800 and the SC’s. I use the mixer daily as my main audio interface for my two computers with monitors connected and it’s been solid. I’ll put the abuse on it and report back any issues.

EDIT #628: Please see below, I found the solution.

I am currently having the same issue as some others on here. I downloaded the 1.3 firmware and updated the x1800 via the denon firmware updater (same as when updating to 1.2) but now the mixer won’t update. It got stuck at about 55% so I let it sit for hours, yet it would not finish updating.

I am running windows 10 and using a usb A to usb B to connect the mixer for the update.

A few more times since this, I’ve tried updating it again but now it won’t even update at all - it just stops and the mixer says ‘Done - RESTART X1800’, so I restart it but it just continually lights up like a christmas tree like when you normally turn it on…it doesn’t fully start up.

Here are some images of its current state (frozen)…

EDIT: Okay I sifted through all of the recommendations to fix this issue and by using a different USB cord I successfully updated to 1.3. Thank you to Reese for solving my issue!

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My update worked first time from windows but my laptop has 2 x usb 2 and 2 x usb3 sockets.

So if a computer only has usb3 could someone plug in a usb2 hub into the usb 3 sockets and do the update off the hub ?

Usb3 is backward compatible to usb2 so if You plug in a usb2 device to a usb3 connector it will work like usually.

That’s the interesting bit. 100% Backwards compatibility is right up there with “Aliens”, “God” and non-tardy firmware updates

This is link at video with ECHOHOLD bug:


That’s no bug. You’re, in essence, sampling the channel in full WET.

When doing this at 2 bars the ECHOHOLD will keep repeating about 32x. You can even close the channel fader and it will still ECHO. Until you move to DRY about halfway, then the channel audio comes back in again and Sweep FX and Filter influence will be heard.

Tip: if you want a filter on the ECHOHOLD, just use the FX frequency knob.

Page 10 in the new manual:

Echo Hold:This effect applies an echo that, when the Wet/Dry knob is turned clockwise past the center point, hold repeats on the last echo. Turn the Wet/Dry Knob back counter-clockwise past the center point to remove the echo hold.

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Thanks, tomorrow I try with your trick!