V2.0 Prime 4 - Vinyl slip cannot turn off

After updating the prime 4 to firmware 2.0 there seems to be an issue with the vinyl slip.

While a track is playing and on of the roll pads is pressed, the track continues and when i stop pressing the roll button, the track resumes where it would have been if i hadn’t pressed roll (normal slip active functionality).

The problem is this still happens even when the slip feature is deactivated so it appears slip is always enabled regardless if the slip light is on or off.

yes. it is … but you can effect with beat jump to jump back (it also activates then the roll again when it goes back to the position …) … I find this roll behavior a bit better than … if it would jump back.

try it.

Im pretty sure it was like this in the older versions as well. Vinyl slip on/off, as the name (vinyl) indicates is only for the platter / scratching type stuff. It only affects whether slip mode is on / off for the top of the jog wheel. A loop roll without slip functionality wouldn’t be a loop roll, it would just be a normal loop. Except it would exit when you release the button.