SC6000 beat grid edit: Option to turn off the platter edge moving the grid (fix for annoying bug!)

There is an issue in beat grid edit mode on the SC6000 where (despite taking great care) touching the top of the platter will cause the beat grid will move instead of the playhead.

Even when doing everything methodically and really carefully, and making sure that the platter light is glowing solid white (not flashing), it still happens quite often.

It is a massive pain because it usually means having to reset the grid and start again. And it’s really inconsistent, just to make it even more annoying! Also, apart from lining up the first beat with the grid, moving the grid isn’t required that often in my experience (gridding techno/electro/house tracks).

So it would be great if there was a option in settings to disable the platter edge from moving the beat grid in the beat grid edit screen, so that the entire platter only moved the playhead, and we could just use the on-screen buttons to move the grid if required.

Please! This issue is driving me craaaazy :pray:

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Why cant you just move it back using the edge of the platter? it takes a second to correct it.

Sometimes once the grid has started to move with the top of the platter, it won’t stop. So there’s that. Plus it’s a bug. Plus it’s a hassle! :disappointed:

Moin @Chris_Bauer and @STU-C,

I posted about this problem more than once and the problem is still existing.

To cut a long story short:

If you improve a track on the gear (beginning from the left side), drop anchor and want to improve more sections of the track, it can occur that you demage the part at the left side of the anchor. The beatgrid is slipping away and you thought: Improved, finished story. You can amend amend again rigth back where you started from.

In these cases I make a break and continue amending the track with ENGINE DJ at my desktop.

This is a part of the wellknown “never ending story”.

Enjoy the weekend and brgds BeatMaster

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