Prime four

Hi I have been a.Dj 4 30 years here in Australia I Really like the prime 4 the only thing wrong is there is no accessibility Features like Screen screen Reading SOFTWHERE 4 Blind People Could use the prime 4 with talking Menus with the Wright sOFTWHERE Zoom text If That sOFTWHERE was made to work On the Engine SOFTWHERE And the prime 4 Which would make it fair For everyone Where accessibility can be turned On or off so right now I would love to by the prime 4 accessibility features Were Available I am very disappointed That a Company like Denon is not providing These these features I feel Discriminated I would like Denon to Consider this consider this .darryn

Hi @Darbre, thank you for posting! We have an awesome Feature Request section of our Forum where you can submit requests and get feedback on them. Members can even vote on the feature if they agree that it belongs on our gear! Check it out to see if a request like this has been made or submit here: Feature Requests, PRIME 4