No more XML export in Rekordbox 6, blocks Denon Prime users to access their Rekordbox collection

Develop, fine. Hard sell, not so fine.

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Debatable. They’ve set up a whole new office about 6 months before lockdown solely for engine prime, which already converts DJs data from traktor, serato and iTunes; only virtual DJ was missing from that majority line up

It’s one thing that someone’s written a few lines of code to mimic what engine prime does, and a few other utilities, although only for some people as most use windows - nothing wrong with that so far, BUT… the thing that this thread and other previous ones are objecting to is the vast tonnage of sickening spam that this one person is sending out.

Even though someone at denon MAY have short-sightedly let him into the forum, I suspect that the decision was taken prematurely. The decision needs to be reversed now, given the amount of “I’m not selling but I’m selling” backhanded posts, cheesy twists of topics to show-horn his products into the conversation and innocent looking links to “help videos” which look innocent as the link (which I suspect denon staff haven’t followed) but the link is then a spam laden video of 1% help and 99% spam.

Every business or one-man-band car booter needs to advertise of course but there’s an overkill point, which And-The-Spam-remain already hit, and hit very very quickly, where saturation of advertising spam exceeds what most people are prepared to put up with.

The spam needs to be stopped.

The innocent looking links which then lead to spam need to be stopped

The diverting and twisting of threads about tentative ideas and questions, which then twist the conversation onto another And-The-Spam-Remains product, needs to be stopped.

No more spam please !

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This is welcome news. It will take some time to ramp up the productivity of the team, but i hope we will then see a faster cadence of releases.

For the other points, i guess this is something Denon staff should deal with as they are responsible for moderating the forum. It’s certainly not helpful if threads are subverted away from the original question/topic.

My problem with ATGR spam is that it ends up all over the place and it is OSX specific. The good news about ATGR creating that tool, is that maybe Damien will be able to come up with and implement something similar soon for Rekordbuddy.

Otherwise, I’ll be using hte rekordbox to usb, usb to denon player, then import usb info to engine prime for now.

With other Convertors to engine not being Mac specific then the spam and the software from that spammer will simply fall by the wayside.

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Hi All,

Just wanted to mention that rekordbox 6.3.0 restored the XML export functionality. Our tests have shown that the XML format has not changed and therefore the same export functionality is maintained between rekordbox 5 & rekordbox 6.3.0 and higher.

So, if you want to import your rekordbox 6 collection, just make sure you have updated to version 6.3 or higher.


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