My sc5000M doesn't want to reboot in firmware updade mode


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Hi, nice to meet you, I usually update the firmware on my Denon DJ SC5000M using Wi-Fi or “WEB” setting, within the media players settings, under “About/Update”. That’s actually how I updated it to the Denon DJ 2.1.0 firmware. But now there’s a 2.1.1 update, I guess.

But, for whatever strange reason, my SC5000M won’t find the WiFi signal provided thru our landlord, or when it does find it, & when I can successfully connect it to the Wi-Fi, its only got one bar, or a weak signal, which is also weird, cause our Hisense Roku Smart TV is connected to the Wi-Fi, & must use way more of the signal than this one time connection with my SC5000M.

So, long story short, where I cant utilize my Wi-Fi signal for whatever reason(s), & I don’t have the option to do it USB drive method rite now, I connected my SC5000M thru hotspot method thru my tablet from Metro PCS. And its connected great, with a pretty big signal now, but, instead of it giving me the option to choose either Web, USB drive, or Computer, when picking my Firmware update method, its only asking me if I want to put the player in " Reboot into Firmware Update Mode ", & when I tried it, it seems to turn off & on the player, into that mode, with a little chip looking thing at the bottom of the screen, & didn’t seem to work, or was taking to long or something.

So I ended up restarting the SC5000M, & now I’m trying it again! Lol. But, is this possible, where I’m using my mobile hotspot data, in order to update this firmware from 2.1.0 to the newer 2.1.1 firmware? Or am I wasting my time, from what it seems, & either need to find a better Wi-Fi signal, somewhere, or buy a brand new USB drive, just to do this damn update? Lol thanks a bunch.

I just know that it usually will ask me whether I’m using " Web, USB Drive, or Computer, prior to it starting the update process, within the " About / Update " section within the settings of the Denon DJ SC5000M Media Player, usually, when attempting this procedure, thanks again :+1::pray::thinking::notes:

@Buddafingaz101 Try to copy paste from notepad or similar. It looks like you type/copy-paste from a text-editor that messes up your layout on this forum. Changed that for other members to make it readable, but I’m not going to edit every post by you of course. :wink:

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Its cool, I got it fixed already, thanks tho :+1::pray::sunglasses:

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