Limit on export via Sync Manager?

Hey guys, I don’t use sync manager but wanted to get a large chunk of my music over to two duplicate USBs in case either;

  1. A player died with my main SSD
  2. My SSD dies etc etc

I want to be able to run off of one player with either USB if my main collection dies and so on.

I am trying to export the main crates and so on that, I would like and then it goes from having 35GB free to 0.0MB.

Is this a limitation of Sync Manger? Do I have too many selected items? Is it a file or folder it does not like? I’ve tried it with various folders past the point with no luck.

USB is formated to ExFAT like my main SSD. It’s 128GB.

Any ideas?

Is the export drive empty?

Yeah, completely fresh and formatted volume.