KI & Deep learning - How good is our A.I. now?

Joe,joe,joe … jo :slight_smile:

Nice found XD

Funnily enough I saw this on the BBC News site this morning and was super interest at how they would perform against each other.

Seems like we are way off AI human replacements yet but it was interesting that one was built by the MegaCorp that is Facebook and the other by some guy as a hobby in his spare time, yet that seems is more realistic.

I guess he could end up getting hired by Facebook…

Pizza and kebabs!

Now she’s started calling him Captain Obvious!

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Dune reference? Butlerian Jihad.

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also nice:

Building An AI-Empowered Music Library with TensorFlow

I do this course right now: Very cool stuff in there :wink:

Maybe I find my implemention to let my computer sort my music with KI :wink: