Is the prime 4 shipping has been pushed up for may?

The software is insanely buggy. Thereā€™s no getting around that at all. There are a lot of coded processes in the software which are working that donā€™t need to be, such as re-scanning the entire database structure when creating a new crate, etcetera.


5 juillet maintenant :frowning: les dates sont repoussƩes en fonction des commandes ou des arrivages?

Vieux ie dois ĆŖtre le seul franƧais, je te conseille de parler en anglais si tu veux des rĆ©ponses :slight_smile:

Now I read on FB Denon Prime Forum that P4 will first be shipped in July - If this is true I do not give Denons Announcement Much credit !!! Hope this is NOT True.

The post saying July is from a specific re seller. Denon have made further comments on that thread stating that they are still hopeful to ship in about a week. They cannot control individual re sellers. they have said they will make an announcement as soon as it begins to ship. at this point contact your local dealer. I know itā€™s frustrating having to wait, we are all in the same boat. I agree a firmware update by an end user is easy but I can also understand the Prime 4 is really the 1st of itā€™s kind and Denon want it to hit the ground running. Itā€™s unfortunate that it has clearly taken longer then was first anticipated, I have been lucky enough to see the unit and get a hands on look and it will 100% be worth the wait.

Thank you for you comment @kradcliffe but Iā€™m afraid thatā€™s simply untrue. Weā€™ve responded to many comments across all our social platforms in regards to shipping updates, additionally there was an official statement posted last week.

Everyone within Denon DJ, right up to our CEO, are fully aware of the frustration being felt out there for those waiting for their Prime 4 and can only assure everyone that itā€™s been our top priority to get the Prime 4 into DJs hands as soon as possible.

Prime 4 is going to CHANGE THE GAME and we want, and need, it to be the best experience possible to fulfil that out of the box for everyone that has ordered one.

We truly do appreciate everyoneā€™s patience and can fully understand the frustrations being felt out there, Iā€™ll finish off by saying DJs will not be disappointed.

Regards J


Iā€™m in the United States and itā€™s late June bout to day ā– ā– ā– ā–  them

So NO Prime 4 has been shipped yet anywhere in the world and NO enduser where get in in May/Primo June ???