How to save and use?

They are connected through an alphanumeric code stored in a special TAG of the MP3 file.

It happens that SoundSwitch will continue to work because it recognizes the code stored in the TAG, but you will have big problems with Engine DJ because your track will no longer be associated with playlists, you will lose all your Hot cues, loops and grids.

Hey @DjAj - thanks for the reply. Next Q ! Is the format of the file defined anywhere ? I wouldn’t mind being able to make some changes outside the Soundswitch UI. I did have a look and the binary format does seem to be fairly consistent. I didn’t go as far as making a one line change, comparing and experimenting (yet). Not enough time in the day.

I do not know this. Maybe @Matthew.W can give you an answer.

I also see the row on the left short, and it cannot be modified, although it does not matter, I have checked everything and it is not from my PC, I am already used to seeing it wrong and with missing letters,… what if I am interested in knowing what differences there are between the types of saving, as the partner asks, thanks