🚀 Engine DJ v3.4.0 Now Available - Bluetooth Audio Source & Keyboard Support

Relax bro. Everything you got AFTER you bought a P4 via updates are free bonuses :+1: Was never said by Denon “P4 will have BT soon”. Almost every relatively modern Wi-Fi chip have integrated Bluetooth - it doesn’t mean you’ll get BT functionalities on your hardware. BT is printed on the box because of some countries regulations :+1:


Except that it was announced during the presentation of the Alpha version last year by Phil Morse then detailed in Digital Dj Tips (Fuzzy Key, BT, Stems) and even Mojaxx talked about it!

As a reminder, it was indicated that a large number of Prime products would have the BT chip activated (except SC5000/M).

So the next time that salespeople or Alphas or whatever have information… they should keep it in their corners before making an X announcement without being certain that it will be a compatible feature on several products as long as nothing is official, so as not to frustrate users.


Depending on the way you interpret it, that’s true, a large number of products got BT.

I agree. That’s why I never build expectations on unofficial announcements.

P4 by modern product lifespan is “quite old” and eventually Denon would/will drop support/improvements.

As a Owner of 3 SC5000’S I’m very happy of all free updates/improvements/new functions I got since I bought them in 2019.

After all, I always buy what’s “on the box”, not what “may come” :+1:


As far as I remember, Denon has never marketed the Prime 4 as having a BT chip. Some users found out it had so, back in the days.

And expectations was build… By us users.

Understandable, but my car says it can go 230 km/h on the speedometer, but I dont think I can get it up to more than 200. I didnt buy it for that reason, Even though I pass Germany (Autobahn) once in a while.

I genuinly believe that Denon has tried to get it to work, but found it unstable and causing more frustrations thanjoy, and therefor has made the choise we see now.

Non of their products on the market today has BT on the box… Some of us got it as a bonus. The rest of us still have what it says on the box. Including you.


Except that the development of the SC5000/M prototype and the OS probably dates from of 2015 and then marketed in 2017, so we can understand that the components date.

The P4 and 2 were marketed in 2019 and the development of the proto dates from the end of 2016, the components are therefore more recent.

I have a utility car first released in 2016, it has screen mirroring for Android and iOs phones (for GPS if you have not updated the integrated GPS or other applications), it has bluetooth audio and telephone with directory display, display of incoming and outgoing calls, received and wifi messages, its own integrated GPS and I will be made to believe that the wifi/bt chip is less efficient in the two players mentioned above?? ? It’s not asking for the moon, just sharing music from a smartphone or tablet on the players, there were Bt car radios well before 2016.

Here’s my thought: Denon is struggling so much with the Stems in the 4+ that it limits sales “since it’s supposed to be the strong point of the product”, but for now… Denon are now banking on the BT, to give a reason to buy a 4+ (while waiting for the functional Stems), whereas if the P4 and the P2 benefit from BT, the P4+ would not sell more than that or only because the P4 is no longer marketed and Elsewhere the price of 4+ has fallen significantly in France, it went from 2599 to 2499, then 2299 and now €2175.

Last year’s announcement caused a lot of noise, ultimately frustrating users! :man_shrugging:

For my part I don’t care a bit, I have the P4+, and the PGO, so too bad for my P4, but it’s frustrating. :confused:

Bro get your facts straight. Maybe join the beta and you’ll know they tried to make it work with the other devices but the chip is just not the same and up to par. It causes issues. Nobody advertised bluebootu on any of these devices, you didn’t buy them on that pretense so stop trying to make a stink about this when it shouldn’t be.

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They are based on Rockchip RK3288 I believe, 2014ish embedded computer.

Pushing P4+ and SC6000’S is natural marketing strategy, no? Denon should sell products to survive, free FW updates that upgrades older gear to the level of latest versions don’t pay bills :+1:

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Sometimes things just don’t work out the way they’re planned.

From their social media posts they did try, it just wasn’t meant to be. Hardware can be picky at the best of times and a misbehaving component can put a spanner in the works.

At least it was explored and for those that got it, enjoy an awesome new feature.

Here’s to V3.4 :beer:


He’s as predictable and welcoming as the vomit which appears after 9 beers and a fast food van kebab.

The Bluetooth chip in the earlier models was never advertised or promoted by Denon DJ nor by InMusic. As I recall from one of those horrible “I opened up my own Prime” videos, the Bluetooth and WiFi were both shown as an all in one pre-designed module. It was never going to be amazingly fast or with great range and hey , I’m sure those immortal words of “The manufacturer reserves the right to …. “

After all Prime users were never promised Bluetooth anything - all that happened was that a few users made up a few ideas about how they thought it might work lol

Great update but was hoping the blutooth would work in a similar way to the opus duo given the time Denon had to work on it, don’t get me wrong i’ll take it, hopefully there will be more refinements going forward, we just need stems rolling out it’s becoming harder to ignore this feature is not yet added to Engine when the other companies have it

Prime 4 and 2 are not units from year 2000. The bt option was not advertised but the bt chip was fitted for some reason. Do you remember the discussion about new effects and many people were saying that this is impossible because of the chip and hardware? So new effects arrived. So, i really don’t understand how the designers of prime 4 and 2 fit a bt chip in a new unit without purpose or future purpose. Does it make sense? For me NO. By the way i use 2 Turbosound Inspire IP2000 v2 speakers that exist many years and the bt streaming works perfect with all new and old mobile devices. So ok, in general i am very happy with my prime 4 (it’s not an outdated unit) but please don’t try to make the black white and the white black saying nobody advertised this option.

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But then you also shouldnt be making any assumptions around why the feature has been omitted from those units, without having all the facts in place before providing commentary.

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None of them do on standalone hardware, they’re all in the same position as Inmusic in that repsect (connect a computer to make it work), with the difference being INmusic are clearly working on perfecting it with the Akai hardware, which is then likely to be ported over to DJ devices.

Attention !!! However, when the activation of BT was announced last year, it was never communicated that it was going to be a function to pair standalone Prime players with BT speakers.

I am aware it is not on standalone but the standalone market is a lot smaller than the controller market. I have also heard about the possible porting from Akai I am just becoming inpatient as I have some many ideas I could use with stems Pro DJ is looking like a back up option at this point until Engine has come good

I never said that.

Plenty of Software connects to the Prime devices that can activate Stems, in fact i think VDJ, Serato and Djay Pro all work with the Prime 4.

If you’re that desperate to use Stems, change the workflow to introduce it to your setup.

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Yes, it’s right ! you didn’t say that! But talking about your speakers having the BT option is a slight implication. No problem ! Sorry :wink:

Whilst there are other offerings like Serato and VDJ, it is the case (for me) of not wanting to use them as I want to have the stems native to my devices, the hope is that Engine Stems will be released this year hopefully to the devices I have as I do not own a prime 4+

I didn’t make any reference to either design or build dates.

The Bluetooth functionality option was on an all-in-one mini PCB which had Ethernet networking, WiFi and Bluetooth on it. Even if InMusic had no intention of ever making use of Bluetooth, it would make sense to use an off the shelf mini pcb module which has WiFi and Ethernet onboard and just leave the Bluetooth elements unexplored - rather than getting some module custom designed at a much higher price …. Eg: your car may have electric rear windows which you never use but if you asked the car maker to make a model without electric rear windows they’ve then gotta carry two slightly different variations with all the possible cost and confusion therein