Beatgrids don't show up in MCX8000 standalone

Hey y’all, I can’t seem to figure out why my beatgrids don’t show up in standalone… Waveforms and crates and all that other jazz shows up though. Is it something I’m not doing correctly on export from the engine prime software? Is it my controller? Any and all feedback, tips, and ideas will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Everything works fine for me. I’m using Serato DJ

Serato DJ works just fine for me too. It’s when I switch the controller to standalone mode and play music through my USB stick, the beat grids don’t show up.

Did you analyse the tunes in Engine prime or just export them ?

Yes I’ve analyzed all my tracks, over and over again… re-analyzed, re-imported, and re-exported. I think I’ve tried everything and still can’t get my beatgrids to show up. That’s why I’m bringing this problem to the forum, I usually am able to troubleshoot on my own :slight_smile:

Im having same issue i can export to usb drive my playlists but displays on mcx 8000 doesnt show beat grid on standalone.

Mcx8000 needs to be on the latest firmware and in Engine Prime you need to enable “mcx8000 compatibility” in settings AND export tracks on the usb using the special mcx8000 export option.

Thank you I will try this.