What to call the Denon DJ Prime player firmware poll. Vote now!

In future if I want aLot of misinformation, I shall go direct to reticull

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Can we take into consideration a possible registered trade-mark issue here? I think Denon DJ has its own reasons to call the hardware propulsion Engine OS. If Denon DJ wanted our opinion about the name of its new product, it would have made a poll itself.

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Some times I have a feeling, that Reticuli wants force everyone to his image of being happy :smiley:

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I donā€™t want to think that. I like to think only that he is a complex and well educated person, entitled to have its own opinions and we must enjoy that he is ā€œoursā€.

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I donā€™t think bad about his education or as he would have any bad intentions, but the way he floods the forum with his ā€œknowledgeā€ is sometimes overwhelming even the most patient membersā€¦

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The fact that he is willing to share his knowledge within this community is actually a very good thing, because one can actually learn something from his rich and detailed comments. All that is needed is patience and attention to what he is saying. Once he took the trouble to respond to someone or to some topic, one has to read and pay attention to his comments. Thatā€™s respect.

When Denon DJ staff removed that much debated topic the other day, it has been said that because people donā€™t read the whole topic leads to misunderstood information. Well, in my opinion, not reading a whole topic is like saying that other peoples opinion donā€™t count and, in my book, thatā€™s lack of respect.

I k ow what he is saying, but he needs to be sometimes more realistic with the amount of the demands from already very busy people.

Well, a comment is there to be read the next day also or for when we take the time to read it carefully.

We are who we are and weā€™re all Godā€™s creatures.

No offense here to Reticuli or anybody. If anybody feels bad? Sorry. Just I and many people on this forum really are slowly having enough of the demands. Maybe it is the way he is pointing it, or the way that all other discussions are diverted to what Reticuli wants.

I dont mind him being vocal about the sound. He clearly got a great understanding for it

We just have to choose our battles :slightly_smiling_face:

Denon had decided on the nameā€¦ And thats it.


I see it like this:

If anyone is asking for help, clarifications or just a for a simple opinion, is it proper for me to answer to the best if my abilities, if I really have something worth saying, or to ignore the person or saying something rude, like ā€œtake a hikeā€ or ā€œgo spitā€?

Whatever someone point of view is, we can acknowledge it, but is not like he is impose it. Even if something sounds like a demand, we can view it like a wish or hope, but the way someone is express it is his and his alone.

All our discussions, opinions and requests made in here could simply be ignored by Denon DJ, but we still express ourselves, hoping that our feedback counts for something.


What misinformation did I provide?

Maybe think about it like Denon made their own tablet hardware and iMusic made the operating system for it. (Kinda like Dell + Windows)

What if itā€™s the ā€œcomputer insideā€ only has 1 operating system? Itā€™s own. Maybe itā€™s engine OS is because it is the OS.

This is an internal company decision that has already been decided based on our current status and planned future roadmap.

While we encourage and embrace community feedback, this is one topic that is not up for debate - sorry.


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