Usb lead no use?

i couldnt update software with the lead - used usb pendrive. i couldnt transfer libraray with lead - used micro sd card

so what is the lead for ?

More info needed. Just saying you “couldn’t do” something doesn’t provide enough info for anyone to diagnose what you might have done wrong.

Did you read the Prime Go manual?

Did you read the instructions for updating the firmware?

what is the lead for ?

Read the manual.

I have read it back to front and it doesn’t do what it is supposed to but i will sort it myself anyway thanks for your help have a nice weekend

Well if you provide more detail on exactly what steps you took when you tried to connect the Go to the computer, we can perhaps figure out where you’re going wrong.

If you read the manual though, it should all be crystal clear.

Put it in computer mode to use as a Controller or to sync your library with your computer.

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