Updating collections automatically from folders?

Is there any way to update collections automatically? Lets say i have a folder with music on my computer and i add and remove .mp3’s from said folder. Is it possible to “sync” a collection with that folder so the new tracks are added and the removed tracks are deleted from the collection, or do i have to import the entire folder again in order to get the new tracks in there?

If i like add a 100 tracks to the folder its quite hard to know exactly which tracks are new so adding them manually seems like a chore, and i’d definitely miss some tracks.

Right now, with my limited knowledge of the program, it seems easier just removing the collection and importing everything again.


No, but there is a request made for it.


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Great, i liked the post so Denon Senpai will notice.


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With 35 likes it’s a popular one!

To see what tracks have been added you could order the files in the folder by date then batch select the ones at the top and drag into Engine Prime.

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This is absolutely essential! There has to be a sync option from folders or itunes. You can’t just do that manually.

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