Track browse layout

Dear Denon. I love you first of all. I just got the sc6000s and the x1850 mixer. Couldn’t be happier. I got the 6000s because of the giant screen. And the main reason I wanted the giant screen is because when browsing tracks, I can see the artist and track title in one line. I want to get the denon go for portability, but please, you have to correct this!!! This is a huuuuuge drawback of your other players and controllers as well. Why do I have to sacrifice half of my screen with the damn folder!!! Let me select something so that my track list takes up the entire screen, and just a simple back button to see the folders or crates. This seems like a super easy fix. Pleeeease if anyone is out there, make this improvement. And it would even be nice for the sc6000s because then I could have room to display more tracks and make my selections quicker. And also, another reason this would be so huge, is I often don’t see tracks that I meant to play. I have more of a browse and play style than a prepared style so the more tracks I can view at once the better…an option for smaller font would be fine too. Thanks, let me know when you figure that out…or let me know if I’m missing something and if that is already an option

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Whats good @Beatzandmountains. Welcome to the PrimeTribe

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Brace yourself for the bants. Thats a trigger phrase around here!

Same here

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