TIP:Ideal Wireless Keyboard for Prime 4

Tip for Hardware modder:

The ideal wireless keyboard for Prime4 is:

trust Tacto Wireless Entertainment Keyboard with Touchpad.

I modded my model for mouse functionality to work with prime4. Simple unscrew the keyboard, take off the touchpad. Turn it by 90° - Glue it on top of the touchpad hole. Because it is´n a square, you have to glue it on top. But it works :slight_smile: And if Denon recode its USB driver to swap x/y … I will buy another cheap USB keyboard with touchpad.

If I had have more time, I could easily build my own keyboardcase for the components. because the whole keybord is modular. you have a complete pcb with its keyboard, pcb with touchpad, pcb with led, pcb with controller :slight_smile:

easy to mod … maybe you could buil it into your case, too :wink:

Keyboard function is/will only be supported. Mouse/touchpad not. So enjoy while this works for now.