SSH on the Prime 4

That sounds like a threat in itself.

You’ve simply got no idea how to communicate beneficially and seem incapable of showing respect or even common courtesy to anyone.



Now with this story of respect you have become comic. Here nobody is insulting, it is simply saying that every time we talk about an uncomfortable topic then it happens that you obscure the post. So put your soul in peace, I don’t insult anyone. If you want to make yourself constructive, give an answer to the topic, or if you have not, write that at the moment Denon is not able to provide the required set of features. It is not difficult. Rather, try to be honest with buyers and give sincere answers on technical issues.

Guys, please.

It may be that you can try to fool yourself with that comment but your previous posts prove otherwise.

What you have either failed to realise, or disagree with is that your value here, and the value of your points, the value of your suggestions, the value of your requests for changes to software and firmware, the value of your opinions and the value of you… is 1.

Everyone else on this forum is 1

You don’t have any exclusive fast pass of queue jumping voucher. You are not louder or more important than anyone else here in this forum. You have a value of 1 and everyone else has a value of 1 also.

Your attempts at increasing your status to anything above 1 with phrases like “we all want” or “all the DJs in Italy want” are as transparent as ploys for attention can be, and do nothing, and certainly nothing positive to your value. It’s 1 like everyone else.

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@max_stereomode. You are heavy with that “WE” word again sure. How many of your yous there have the schizophrenia ?

Stop your try’s to be a two. As you were told of already, you are a value of one. We are all equal value of one the here.

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Can we get back on topic now? :confused:


Indeed. Off-topic posts from now will be completely removed; even if only parts of a post is off-topic.

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Good. And back to topic.

Is the SSH shell just a way that an owner could READ (sorry, didn’t mean to shout ) what’s inside the Prime device or is an SSH shell a two way thing where an owner could WRITE (now you know why I used capitals) and change things inside? Sort of like BIOS/Setup on a laptop if you boot it while holding down a function key?

I could see why an owner would be interested to see what’s inside, without fiddling.

I could also see why Denon wouldn’t want anyone getting properly in and making changes. For an example, if an owner found they could make the LEDS and the screen 20% brighter if they shut the internal fan down in a motor model. If Motor models started failing in front of a club full of people, the manager of the club wouldn’t be thinking SSH, he’d be thinking no more denon here.

Or if an owner found that they could get onboard analysis to complete on new tracks in half the time by overclocking the on board CPU (or cpu s) by 100% but the thing won’t then play for more than an hour set before the screen gets so hot fingers are singed when using the touch screen, again I could see why that would be bad to onlookers

But as I don’t know how deep or functional SSH is, I’ll shut up now

Depends on what user is attached to it. If it’s the root user, you can do whatever you please. Commonly, the ssh user is more limited though.

I think we have given plenty of examples of what COULD be done in this thread.

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Why are you describing two “negative” examples uniquely?

Yeah, maybe someone could increase the LEDS brightness and shut internal fans. Or maybe someone could overclock the cpu with negative effects, etc…

HOWEVER, another someone could write a proper flexible and dynamic beatgrid management, move loops, hotloops, onboard library management, RGB waveforms, etc etc, without compromising any of the hardware side!

In my opinion, I can see far more benfits than disadvatges by open-sourcing the code (or part of it).

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That’s not related to SSH on the hardware though, you can’t do that via SSH whereas you can overclock the CPU, GPU and possibly push more power to the LEDs over SSH. Think of SSH as the Linux terminal.

What you’re talking about is the open sourcing of the main Engine program, written with the Qt framework, that gets launched on boot up of the hardware.

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Yeah you’re right @JonnyXDA

I am following this topic for some time, and last couple of comments got me an idea. What if Denon would let us (users) to develop some plugins for customizing the gear in our own way by adding plugins and own scripts (like LUA on MA Lighting). We could build our own scripts and tools without compromising the stability and reliability of the complete system. And then they would select the best user made plugins and implement them in to the firmware by standard on one of the next releases.


Not as bad idea, though i would still prefer access. They can lock away engine if the want to, pretty sure i could still find plenty of things to do with it.

It would however open u the idea of like a real plugin infrastructure. VST plugins could be a thing that would be cool.

VST’s I would leave out for a stand alone Sampler/effects processor unit. For players I would see more improvement plugins (extra functionality, custom interfaces, more data on the screen, custom on display midi mode - like touch osc that You could customize Yourself or something more this direction).

Eh, it would be worth a try i think. Sure some of them would not work well, but there is some stuff that could improve things. I mean we have those awesome drumpads, it’d be cool if you could hook a small synth to them

That already sends the PLAYER function in to the background. I would focus on the Dj Player deck improvement, not functionality change.

Why not both. The community for these things is huge.

Interesting Topic I am coming from STB’s programming business so i work a lot with ARM dev platforms (amlogic , rockchip , allwinner , nvidia tegra).

Wondering if there is a SOM (socket on the module) plug for the rk3288 on the logic board of the denon prime 4. The possibility existence of an SOM module plug system on the logic board could open the way for some nice hardware future upgrades for example to RK3399 Hexa core bigLittle (4x ARM Cortex-A53 @ 1.5 GHz + 2x ARM Cortex-A72 @ 2.0 GHz) with DDR4 , dual band wifi , Bluetooth connectivity , USB type C and why not toslink / spidif digital input/output. I know many of you might say we don’t need these but still …

I am not a programmer but as far as i remeber when PS3 came ou,t Sony had the option to install your own linux (dual boot option) and do what ever you need to do. But here i think its different, lets say that you had this option, you go to play somewhere with your controlller, customized by you and sonething happens…then all guests would accuse DENON and not rhe custom OS was running at that time. Just a simple thought.

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