Sì blocca lo schermo ma il brano seguita ad andare

quando carico una traccia , dopo un minuto a volte il display si congela ma la musica seguita ad andare per 30 secondi, poi il display si spegne bloccando anche la musica per poi riaccenderai come all’inizio

Yesterday I was playing with the P4 … 10 minutes after I started … Yes it blocks the screen but the song continues to go, all the commands go but the screen freezes, 20 seconds later the screen turns off the music too, then turns on again reopen the msd reloads the tracks exactly as if you turn it on from the beginning

Could be the single track itself, like a damaged track, but even a damaged or curropt track shouldn’t trigger a full reboot of Prime

salve … un collega mi ha consigliato di provare a installare il beta 1.4, sembra che tutto vada bene al momento… ho provato anche a suonare le stesse tracce con qui si bloccava e va tutto bene

hi … a colleague advised me to try to install the beta 1.4, it seems that all is well at the moment … I also tried to play the same tracks with here it stopped and everything is fine

Mysterious - if it’s at the same place as when it crashed, then a loose/faulty usb device is the only thing I can think of