Search within a search - is it possible?


Hopefully this is a quickl question: Is it possible to do a search within a search? What I mean is search within the search results. I’ll give an example, Lets say I want to find a tune to play that is both a compatible key and bpm. I know I can search for BPM and get a range depending on what I specified on the player, and I know I can search for coimpatible keys, but can I do both?

Any help would be great, if this isn’t possible, is there a feature request on the go? I did a search but could find one. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could select a tune that’s playing on another deck or layer and tell the software to search for tunes that are compatible with it in both BPM and key?


Piggy-backing on this to add I’d like to search within a crate. Every time I search it’s my whole entire collection, but sometimes I want to find key matches only in one specific crate.


That would be helpful for me I must admit

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If it’s not already a feature request I would make one. I support this, and I can see how others would too.