SC5000/M new User Interface


I just upgraded my Denon SC5000M drives to Engine OS version 2.0.0.

Just offer my opinion on the new user interface.

For me it is a “half done” job. I do not understand how after arguing that the waveform could not be integrated in Serato due to the reduced screen (7 ‘’), and now they present us with some buttons in the left sidebar in which it seems that you have to press with the little finger (pinkie).

Really, I liked this option for the buttons (of course, it is still usable) and for the interface of the configuration section. What, I insist, I do not quite understand is why Denon have not extrapolated these reduced dimensions to everything, so that more lines of tracks fit in the library, more metadata in the extended information, etc.

And, of course, make possible what many users are demanding, considering that if it is possible to reduce the elements, which would be that in Serato they included displaying the waveform on the screen as in the SC6000/M units or even a full integration like VDJ.


You can change font size on browser screen

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