Samsung EVO 870 SSD not visible

Which M7? Z170, Z270, X370 etc.

I just want to read the manual. If it is an AMD, please update bios as USB has been an issue.

DiskPart is a tool to edit disks, but the bios must tell the system that the USB drive is removable.

Removable or not doesnā€™t really matter. Example: if you plug in an external SSD, it does not show up as removable and there is no option to eject. Just close Engine Prime before disconnecting it. I do it everyday.

Yes it does. If your computer marks it as an internal drive, you cannot format it as exFAT (via normal GUI method), but only NTFS. I think the drive might be seen as UASP like thunderbolt.

We had a forum member that had it the other way around. All his internal NTFS drives were marked as removable. Engine Prime didnā€™t do well. :wink:

@Engell has got the yellow crosses :sweat_smile:

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True, which is why you need a 3rd party formatter like AOMEI to format the drive to FAT32 or exFAT. Windows wonā€™t allow it for larger drives via itā€™s built in format utility, but it can be done.

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Yellow crosses? :grimacing:

Yes of course, but the weird thing still is @m2ev0 already tried all that.

Then Iā€™d suggest a complete wipe of the drive, then reformat to exFAT. Maybe thereā€™s some GPT lingering somewhere.

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I recently bought a Prime4 white(2.1)+Lc6000. Inside , a blank ssd Crucial 2Tb. On controler mode, Win10 (Asus/Xmg15 dj), the ssd is not visible on the screen. In the same mode, I connect to a macbook air (mojave), the ssd appears on screen and I could format Ssd. I re-connected to laptop Win, the ssd appears on screen and recognised. I donā€™t understand. I have not yet use the ssd in standalone with Engine Dj.

What file system is the drive formatted to?

Needs to be MBR and not GPT file format exfat and not fat32 for SSD

Thanks for your precisions. It is good in Exfat. In fact, the SSD must be partitioned in the management of the Win10 computer (ssd detection). Itā€™s the same for live MPCs. Then it should appear on the screen in prime 4 controller mode. Bye

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