Prime internal recording level

My conclusion is that it really shouldn’t be necessary to involve third party products to finish off a job that should have been done in the first place.

In my many decades of owning and using various hardware and software which can record audio, every single one of those things offers record level meters and a way to set recording level. Whether that’s cassette decks, reel to reel tape machines, rack CD mastering recorders, hand held digital recorders etc. etc.

This is the only time I’ve ever encountered a device that offers recording but doesn’t allow you to see or set the level yourself.


If you read or watch pretty much every single guide to ‘recording a DJ set’ or music session, they all include a mastering step before output, and honestly it’s never been easier to do it, even GarageBand can do it.

How do you deal with audio peaks that clip because the initial level was too high? thats just lost data/crappy sound. Running the initial level low allows for spikes in audio to remain below the threshold and the normalise process then brings the other audio up to that level, ensuring a clean, professional sounding end product.

I know how to set a recording level. The ability to do so has been available for longer than I’ve been alive. It’s a standard thing on recording devices.

I’m not necessarily talking about recording “a DJ set”, just plain and simple recording. If the product offers recording, then it should do so properly, with a level meter and a gain control.

Dealing with clipping? If you set the recording level appropriately it won’t happen. That’s why the level controls and metering exist (on other devices).

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It’s time to address this issue once and for all.

*Fellow Dj’s Please add your concerns and vote for this feature request;