Preview track

Alcune tracce, naturalmente regolarmente acquistate, non hanno la preview e non si sincronizzano quando le usi nel controller ?? Qualcuno sa darmi qualche consiglio ?? Thanks

Which Prime hardware are you using? Strictly speaking, the units are not controllers, because they are designed for standalone use. You call whatever you’re using a “controller” so does this mean you’re using it with DJ software (which?)?

Please provide information on which tracks don’t have previews, and which tracks don’t sync - artist names, track titles, where they’re being played from and what format they’re in.

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Sto usando Engine 2.0.2 con la Denon Prime 4. Una delle tracce è:Junior Jack Stupidisco (David Penn Extended Remix) foramto Mp3 acquistata su Beatport Non volevo fare polemica, sia chiara, ma era giusto per capire Grazie !!

Forse per “preview” intendi dire la copertina? Cioè la immagine? Siccome la preview potrebbe anche essere il preview audio, quella piccola forma d’onda in cui vedi rimpiccioliti gli hot cue e puoi cliccare sopra per avere una “preview” della traccia. Cosa intendi tu?

same issue here, they appear in engine DJ but not on Prime 4

Esattamente, è quello che intendevo. Purtroppo quando capita, sono costretto ad usare Pioneer Recorbox

Ah, that’s not a preview. That’s the main track waveform (called an overview in the manual).

You’re not being forced to do anything! Lack of an overview on a deck is not intended behaviour but it shouldn’t stop anyone from DJing or “force” them to do anything. There are no overviews on vinyl and people have been DJing with it for many decades. :slight_smile:

PS please post in English

Not really a valid argument for an obvious bug. We could quickly degenerate in this forum telling people to do everything manually like in old school for every bug they find.

No. They paid for this hardware to work a certain way with certain features. This is a legitimate bug. What might be more helpful is to suggest reasons if you know them for why this is happening and/or alternative ways to regenerate the overview waveform.

I should also point out that even in the days of vinyl, they found a technique how to look at the vinyl and by the color of the groves, they could tell where there was acapela and vice versa. This proved very useful to determine which tracks to mix together - a precursor to the waveform. So your example that waveforms were not used in the days of vinyl are actually not even factual.

As for the english part, I don’t think it is a rule anywhere on this forum. Correct me if I am wrong, but Denon sells internationally, correct? Don’t you think then they should have a forum where people from all around the world ought to post? If so, do you really expect everyone to speak english?

Of course if they post in english they will get more answers. But to be annoyed by people not posting in english is out of place, really.



I never said it wasn’t a bug.

I was responding specifically to the comment about “being forced”. Lack of an overview is not “forcing” anyone to do anything. Bugs are often exaggerated by people here, saying they can’t DJ because of it (etc) which isn’t the case.

I also didn’t say I was annoyed about him not posting in English. I’m pretty sure Denon (among others) has asked people to post in English here, so it’s not my request.

Changed the typo in the topic title. It kept bugging me. :relieved:

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I understand your point better. I suppose I come from a school where I would reply if I have a workaround or a solution, and if not, I would just not reply. Otherwise the answer can come across as not intended…

Still, a strange bug, given that the actual waveform is there, just not in the overview. I mean, after all, it is the same waveform.


Denon fa e vende prodotti a livello mondiale, pertanto credo che uno possa scrivere nella lingua che desidera. Inerente al vinile o a altre tecniche di mixaggio, bhè…ho 50 anni, ho 40.000 vinili e, senza peccare di presunzione, sono tranquillamente in grado di usare quelli…ma, come detto da Nikdo, se si acquista un prodotto, esso deve funzionare totalmente…sarebbe come acquistare una Ferrari e se non funzione dire a chi l’ha acquistata che può andare in bicletta. Detto ciò, pensavo che questo forum servisse per confrontarsi sui vari “problemi” e cercare, quando possibile, una soluzione invece noto che si fa solo polemica inutile (non tutti). Pertanto, per quanto mi riguarda, la mia partecipazione termina qua. Mi rivolgerò altrove per cercare di capire, più che altro per curiosità, la problematica. Buon proseguimento. Denny

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How is the drive formatted? ExFat or Fat32?

Was it a migrated drive from 1.6 or drive built newly in 2.0?

This defect happened to me after an export from Lexicon. Have you also done this operation? :wink:

Yes I use Lexicon to manage my database, spoke with Christian at Lexicon and he believes the issue is with Denon and not Lexicon

If this defect also happens to others who don’t use Lexicon, then the cause is Engine DJ. Otherwise it could be that Lexicon is not yet perfectly compatible with Engine. Maybe the waveforms are deleted or maybe some connection between the tables of the V2 database is broken.