Playlist History

Hello Forum,

I just purchased the Prime 4. I’ve also been a Demon guy for over 20 years. I know denon products worked well with Virtual DJ and I’m use to that platform. I’m wondering, does the Prime 4 have the capability to review you playlist history from past gigs?

In standalone, yes it does and it logs all your tracks played for that session.

If you go to the ‘Playlists’ option then you’ll see ‘History’ there with all your history to view from your different gigs.

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Thank you Mr. Wilks. Very much appreciated

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No worries @DJbowtie

Enjoy your amazing bit of kit.

Must be noted that the history is library / source dependent. So you will see only the history on the used library. If you swich back and forth between 2 USB devices, you have 2 seperate histories and not 1 merged history. Another thing to note is that streaming tracks (currently beta) are not in the history (yet)

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Do you know how to export it from the P4 back to Engine Desktop?