Players restarting after loading track w/o BPM information

Been having this issue since I migrated and reanalyzed my library to engine 2.0. Any tracks that are have not been fully analyzed and are missing bpm information will attempt to load, freeze and restart the player completely back to the start screen. Had searched a song and this happened once during a set to the point that I used the other player with layers exclusively for the rest of the night.

I have tried reformating both SD cards and USBs and re-exporting to them (both have very high transfer rates and have worked fine prior to 2.0). This is also consistent with my Prime Go (same splash screen restart). If I analyze the track on my laptop and export it loads and works fine, but one of the benefits to engine OS is being able to analyze on the fly.

Please fill out a bug report for this. Add one or two of the unanalyzed tracks, and please a copy of your database. Send this via then to denon.

Maybe there is something with the mp3´s or the database.

That you mp3´s are faulty, I can exclude … but :wink:

(you can also try to reset the players settings … go to Settings: About/Update … there is a button Reset to default. Sometimes there are some hidden settings from previous versions of firmware, that can cause this issues.)

By the way … that you have sc5000/6000 … you have to do it for every player. (Also they should have all the same firmware versions.)

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