Mac Updater 1.5.2 and I'm a dummy

I knew I shouldn’t have attempted a firmware update on gig day.

Why, oh why, do I do this to myself?!

anyway… after about 4 attempts I finally got the Mac updater to connect to the SC5000m and now it’s been “preparing the update” for almost 2 hours with the rolling scroll bar.


anybody else experience this?

should I abort mission and try again?

I would start again for sure. None of the updates so far have had to take that long.

Also, since it’s show time for you, start looking at alternative ways of updating if you can (should this fail you again). shouldn’t take more than 5 min to update the players I think; I normally do USB and plug it in the back to a USB3 port.

Also if you can, download the file again just to make sure you have a clean download of it in case something went wrong with the previous download.

Good luck

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You filled me with the confidence to abort.

Thank you! It took under 5 minutes to download the USB version and install from there.

We are fully operational once again.

I’d like to say I’ve learned my lesson, but this happens more than I care to mention.

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Glad you got it going :slight_smile: and happy to help.

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