Linking mixers together

I’ve got a gig on Friday and whilst I am using my Denon setup, the other DJ is using his Pioneer setup (shame, I have tried to persuade him to have a go on the Denons). Anyway, the DJM-850 has a digital out (not in though :wink:), whilst we have both our and in on the X1800. Question is, if he uses the digital out into my digital in, where does this output too? Is it just part of the master out or is it channel controlled? Want to avoid putting into a channel if I can as we are having vinyl on there as well, and hate not having all 4 channels of the SC5000s available.

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It should work. The in link is routed to master output directly. Test by connect another device, like a SC5000 to link in.

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Perfect, thanks

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