Layer B no output sound

When switching to layer B (sc6000), everything seems to be functioning as normal and I can load a track, but when I start play there is no output sound on the mixer (x1850).

I have checked cable out/in, have tried to use both RCA and digital. When switching to digital out/in, layer A plays fine, but still no B. Double checked the input select on the mixer. Channel level LEDs aren’t illuminating either. The lack of mixer activity from layer b to any channel on the mixer makes me assume there’s no signal coming in. Again, layer A works fine (also upgraded player to new firmware 1.6)

Any ideas?

check the following:

Connect Layer A to one mixer channel, check Audio. If Audio is okay connect Layer B instead of A. Don’t change anything on the mixer, use same mixer channel and cable as for Layer A. Check Audio again. Does it work?

Do you have broadcast mode turned on in you mixer?