Jogwheel colors dont match

It wouldn’t worry me that much as I set all four layers to different colours so that the cue lights on my x1800 are all different.

I guess he’ll need to take one of his 5000 to a dealer to see if the 5000 he takes there matches or doesn’t match his own 5000 - that way he’ll know which of his 5000 to get fixed with the guarantee

Every one has always been a one beta tester

Fiftys years ago if you are to bought a TV model and it broke quickly or did work oddly then they would make a version two and a version three.

Now there is the firmwares in a lot of model but the same idea of testing beta is still the same. People use things and people feed back to the makers to say how they use it and what is different and makers give some new firmwares instead of old times of discontinue the lasts models and being out a whole newer model.

Nothing has now changed. Buyers are testers for the new model or of the new firmwares We we’re testers of firmware insteads of testers of mark 2 or mark 3 when we throw away mark 1

Sorry things have definitely changed. More parts are outsourced and there are way more companies to outsource to, which leads to way more variances in quality. Things have changed.

But the companies can certainly choose to what extreme this leads to.

It is disappointing for me… The shop where I go is 30 minutes from my house. I have to go back try to get this figured out. The first unit I bought has problems… the jog wheel doesn’t feel how it should… so now I have to get both units replaced. On top of that the shop is having problems getting the unit because it has been out of stock for a bit in Canada.

I believe that the customer service department does a good job and this will eventually all be sorted out but like it was mentioned before on this topic, when you pay a high price for something you want it to be working perfectly out of the box.

There’s a disconnect on the manufacturing side. I know there is. But I promise the Denon guys here and behind the scenes on the service side will make things right. I’ve been there and they always step up and take care of things. Once you get it sorted out you’ll have a nicer setup than what’s offered by the competition and be able to enjoy it. Sorry for the struggles cause it isn’t fun but just reach reach out to the Denon guys and I know they’ll do their best to help you out!

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I would like to say that my units have been replaced and I am very happy with how this company took care of me! :slight_smile:


That is good support. I think most companies would have given you “product variances are to be expected” boilerplate.

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Glad to hear Denon DJ customer service did a good job replacing the units. But, with all respect for Denon, this kind of situations could be avoided. It is a company with pedegree in the industry and capable of being unique. It is hard for us, especially the older ones, to not look back at past Denon DJ days and hope the present Denon DJ will rise again where it deserves to be.