Formatting SSD on P4 issue windows 10

Hi I am trying to format SSD card to exfat on Prime 4 but in laptop disk management I do not have access rights. Would someone be able to advise on this issue?

Seems like you’re not a local admin of the laptop.

How do I access local admin?

Either start Disk Management as Administrator or make your user member of the Administrators group by logging in to the laptop as one.

This is a Windows thing you need to solve first. If you are the owner of the laptop, you should have that right or have a separate admin account.

Ok thanks I owe the laptop but unsure how to process this

Windows 10? Click the Start button, go to Settings, then Accounts.

Does it say Administrator under your name and email address?

Thanks have sorted issue. Have two users on the laptop have now managed to format SSD to exfat and transfer crates. Thanks for all your comments and advice really is much appreciated

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