Engine Prime, why are some of my tracks over 5-30 GB?

There must be something wrong with the file. As you can see the Duration of the file is not ok as well. Have you loaded one of these in a Wave / Audio Editor to see if they have some garbage in? Where do you got the files from?Did they had this size already before loading them into Engine Prime?

Put them through mp3 scan + repair. Something isn’t right with the mp3

some several days have gone since this was asked first.

Was a reasoning found of this?

still no clue…I just deleted those & got them again from a backup…Denon also sent me a brand new controller…:woman_shrugging:

I found that some special letters like Ă« ĂŞ etc can screw tracks up and make them unreadable in ep and very large in size. However if you changed the name or run it thru audacity or something it will play. That was my experience and after deleting the files, rename the originals and add them again, my problem was solved. Hopefully it help you too

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