Engine - Prime 4 - packing crate's to SSD

Since a few weeks, 'm doing my gigs with the prime 4 after many years of pioneer. When i transferred my Rekordbox Database to Engine Prime, something stupid happend and a lot of playlists etc, are lost.

Now i’m making a new collection. And i’m cleaning up my old ‘big database’ on the hard drive’s. I made (to make the maps a little smaller) maps, divided in alphabetic order. First in maps on the (external) hard drive. Then i ‘dragged’ the maps to the base-collection in Engine Prime. (from the ‘map/finder’ icon left from the icon ‘devices’.) Engine Prime showed all the maps including al the tracks, nicely.

After i connected the Prime 4 to my mac. And the SSD showed up in Engine Prime. I dragged several maps (one by one) to the ‘collection’ on my Prime-4-SSD. Engine ‘says’ that it it packing ‘map A’ to ‘SSD on the prime 4’. Did quite a time on that job. But afterward there were only to maps “K and R” on the SSD ??? And there were no tracks in it… The i made a new crate on the SSD, and tried to drag the maps into that new crate. The same message: “that it it packing ‘map A’ to ‘SSD on the prime 4’” But again NO MAPS AND TRACKS ON THE SSD.

Can anybody help me with this issue. And all the tips for making a good and reliable database in Engine are very welcome!!! Thank you in advance!

!! i exported already other crate’s and playlists from engine prime to my SSD. And that worked allright. !!