website problem

I want to point out that your website is totally broken… It doesnt matter if I try on mobile or laptop, when i google for instance the support, the site opens (where I am now writing my problems) but I get instantly redirected to the default startpage of your site. Furthermore when i choose then the support in the menu, it will load and I get instantly redirected to the mainpage once again. So this happens everytime i need something from your page. Firmware updates, FAQs, Guides, Support,… I had to FIGHT through your webpage with a super fast klick on my mouse to stop the page loading at the right moment when it is fully loaded and at the point its not redirecting (impossible on mobile devices to be that fast, for me). It was a pain in the a**. I am from Austria (Europe) and I can imagine that is a redirecting problem to the german page…

Furthermore I got some issues on my brand new X1800, i opened a topic there. Please can someone who owns this mixer give me a short answer if that is normal behaviour!

Thank a lot in advance!


Not belittling your issues but I have no problems on the website at all.

I guess you are not from Europe (Germany/Austria)?

I’m in the UK.

No problem here in DK

No problems in the NL as well.

Try clearing your browser cookies

And browser cache - you may have stale data that’s been cached.

Thank you for your fast answers!

I wiped now cookies and so on. But the problem is still present. In fact it was present when I first visited the site a few days ago when my set arrived, on Laptop (Win10/Chrome) and Note10+ (Chrome + Samsung browser). I always get redirected back to

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Works fine here



Here also a lot of problems with the website. I only get the website in french, whatever I do…, the links don’t work, I can’t ask for support on the site… With every click I get back to the official website in french… Tested on all my mac’s, but also on my office PC’s.

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I second this. For a month I am having exactly the same issues. I ALWAYS get redirected to the default site and as if it isn’t worse enough, it’s always in the wrong language too: french! I can change it at the bottom but still it reverts back to french. Serious redirection issue. Most likely there is an exception happening somewhere and the web designer found nothing better than to forward to the default page, rather than show an exception.

This is VERY dramatic and it hurts me in Denon’s place. You made a wonderful product and the site builders are destroying it.


I found the issue and it is NOT your fault. They have a redirection bug with javascript. So if you disable java script, the forwarding stops. Unfortunately, some site functionality no longer works.

@denon If you’re reading this: please check your javascript.

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Maybe a new site is about to go up with more cool info or product or merchandise store on it