Denon Prime 2 software does not save track's information

Hello guys, im recently new here.

I just bought the Denon prime 2, but i ve been having some issues in EP on the computer and the player itself: 1- EP in the computer, does not allow me to create any crates or playlists while the USB device is plugged. Only allows me when the USB is off the computer ( the USB is 32 gigs and was already formatted in FAT32)

2- When i plug my USB stick into the controller, I play the tracks ,afterwards i eject safely the USB from the controller. When i plug the USB back, all the information is gone (hot cues , loops , analysed tracks etc,)

I did update the EP to the latest version in my Computer plus the Denon prime 2, but nothing happened.

Thank you so much in advance guys

Why is this a problem? This is the normal working method. Create your crates/playlists with EP and save to your computer’s hard drive. When you’ve done that, plug in the flash drive and copy the crates/playlists across.

Your two problems sound to me as if your flash drive was write protected at some point after you put some files on it.

I have my crates and playlist on EP , as soon as i plug my USB, all the computer crates created by me dissapear and i can only see the general collection, also when i tried to transfer playlist created on the computer to the USB it does not allow me, its says my tracks are not “packed”. I ve used the sync manager and its seems not to work neither.

I guess when u create playlists and crates on EP without any device plugged, it is already storaged in your computer.

For my second problem ( related to EP on the controller)

Since the beginng , i could not place tracks into prepare lists, but at least the tracks that i was playing, it was saved by the controller ( analysing, hot cue , loops, etc) but since i ve downloaded the latest version of the software ( 1.5.2) the system does not save anything at all. In conclusion, everytime i turn off the controller, all my tracks are gone from the memory of the controller system