Bug with scrolling in Engine DJ using Logitech mouse

Same issue here. What an absurd bug, never had this in ANY app whatsoever, EVER. I actually am trying the Engine software before buying Prime 2, but what the hell, I can’t even scroll the file tree??? I doubt it’s only in this Logitech mouse and even it is, it never happens anywhere, we are talking about scrolling!! And this is one of the most successful well made mouse ever created with so satisifed users. Denon you got to fix this.


Are you saying that you’re using exactly the same mouse as custa1200 - MX Master 3 on a Mac with Logi Options+ software?

If not, which mouse are you using?

I am using the Logitech MX 705 on Mac

Without installing the Logitech software and utilities, everything works fine.

When I use the Logitech software on Mac Big Sur I have exactly the problem described.

The software does not seem to be compatible with Engine Desktop

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I wonder how he will try to spin it that you have bought the “wrong” mouse or using the “wrong” OS or are in a “wrong” profession. Maybe we are just holding it wrong. :joy:

Yes, I’m using MX Master 3 on a Mac with Logi Options. Had NO problems EVER on ANY other app.

The problem is in Engine, not in Logitech !

Surely if the problem was with Engine DJ, it would affect anyone who uses a mouse - not just those using certain Logitech mice.

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Seems more a problem of QT itself


Qt is the framework used to develop EngineOS/DJ

Related post says something like disable some options in MacOs accesibility panel, related to logitech two way scrolling.

Hope this helps

No it is not. As I have said this is a one of best mouses available on the market, by one of the best mouse manufactures Logitech. It NEVER makes any scrolling issue anywhere and there is NO reason there would be a scrolling issue on ENGINE unless ENGINE did something in a bad way.

Have u read the related post? Do u know what is QT?

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Lol all this for a mouse? I use a generic mouse from Action for like 10€ and it does the job for me since… no idea, 7 years now? No issues, 2 buttons and clickable scroll. Does the job on my windows pc. Works, totally not fancy and costs nothing. If it breaks, I just buy another one…

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Well, u can have issues with a Logitech, a Microsoft, a Dell o some other devices. But in this case, as I say before, seems more an issue with QT development framework related on how logitech software implements two way scrolling. And on QT bug tracker appears as unresolved for more than two years. Not only DenonDJ is afected.

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Not only do I know what QT is, I’m using other QT apps and they are working 100% fine, those 100% include scrolling if there’s any doubt.

  • All QT apps are working 100% fine with the mouse.
  • All apps regardless of how or what they’re built in are working 100% fine with the mouse.

Only EngineOS has problems - The problem is in EngineOS.

I spoke to an ex Qt Core dev (when Nokia owned it so that was almost a decade ago) a week or so ago that works on another project I am close to and he said he could not think of something that would cause it, but as you found in that bug report others are experiencing it in other Qt apps, which I sent off in a message to him and hope to hear back.

I just tried to turn off the horizontal scroll wheel using the Logi Options software just for the Engine DJ software and it had no affect based on the bug report above.

One thing I have noticed is that if you use the scroll wheels with the cursor over the scrollbar region so that the list loses focus it does work, so there is clearly some issue with the scroll events required by the Logi drivers not being passed through the list surface area of the list and that could in fact be within the actual Qt framework list.


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Engine Prime 1.x was also Qt based and I never noticed it there either, but there may be a difference in the version of Qt used between them too.

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Maybe in new 2.x branch they also upgraded Qt framework, but better ask AI8000, seems he knows all about Qt and all other apps developed on it :smirk:

No worries mate, enjoy your less productive mouse and oncoming Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Let the those that have an issue with their input device of choice to can add value to the conversation to identify and gather information for Denon to address the issue.

Yeah, maybe less offensive would be better…? Anyway the more apps are behind the device, more is possible to go wrong. My generic mouse works regardless of any updates or eventual errors of QT. Does not cost much and runs as it should - that is the point.

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Cost is irrelevant, my mouse is more accurate, more ergonomic and is driven to the other 79 hours a week vs maybe 1 I use for the Prime software I use an input device on a computer. I really should not have to have an inferior wired mouse hanging around my desktop to access one piece of software because Denon chose to implement (and maybe incorrectly implement due to it working in other Qt based software) the cross platform framework they have chosen.


I have this exact issue, has there been a fix to this yet?