Bug Engine Prime

Bonjour, avez vous un bug lorsque vous appuyer sur la waveform , j’entends un brief son de la musique chargée avant. " Vivement qu’on puisse connecter Engine prime pas ethernet avec le PC pour envoyer en direct musique PC vers platines"

Can You give us more info on what engine prime version You are, computer specs and any possibilities to reproduce the issue with music playback?

About the Link with engine and decks is not a bug, it is a feature that had been requested already. Search the forum.

Bonjour, merci pour votre réponse. Je possède un ordinateur portable : Lenovo Z51-70 équipé d’un processeur I5 5200U CPU 2.2 ghz , 4Go de mémoire vive avec une carte graphique ATI radeon.

Je vous réexplique mon problème:

Quand je charge une musique dans Engine Prime version 1.3.4 ou beta1.4.0 lorsque j’appuie sur la demie waveform à plusieurs endroits différents. J’entends brièvement la musique qui était chargé avant. Et maintenant ça le fait aussi sur mes platines SC5000M en version 1.4.1.

Hier en chargeant une playlist sur une carte SD , j’ai eu des sots de lecture sur mes platines qui on crée des décalages dans mes mix.

Je vais installer les anciennes version. 1.3.2 pour le sc5000M et 1.3.3 pour Engine Prime.


Well, if You at least write in English would help more people to understand things better. Anyway, hearing a previous track on load up new was already mentioned on this forum. I think the best is to re-install the newest update for now. Maybe someone who had this issue will help more. I never had that problem on my decks yet. On Engine prime maybe once, but it was not reproducible.

Hello, i’m sorry for my description wrote in english. My english is very bad. I used translate in internet for understand essentiel for you and please will make for me.

I reinstalled engine prime in repair mode in my computer. I have not yet checked if I hear the music loaded before by pressing the half waveform. I must also update my turntables in 1.3.4 then 1.4.1. I think that for my turntables it can come from my old SD card too loaded which will have slowed down the system. Do you think this material is USB 3.0 oriented for transmission speed. Because I had a similar problem when connecting my x1800 table, it works better in USB 3.0. in usb 2.0, I had “bug”.

Make the update, and let us know what happens. Do a test before writing here, so we can know what happens and try to help.