Beatgridding on the SC5000?

If you have problems with D&B one option is to use the snare instead of the kick as the snare normally is more predictive evenly timed.

Are there simple hardware controls for Serato? the hold button thing doesnā€™t work in controller mode. Are there hardware controls / touchscreen menu for Serato beatgrids?

It would be waaaay cool to be able to change BPM on the device. Being able to prepare all your tracks while in the zone behind the decks would be the coolest. Get me away from the computer! I stare at that thing too much.


Iā€™m in two minds about this. I do like the idea of being able to do ā€œeverythingā€ on the decks themselves, but preparation is king. Doing the important preparation beforehand, working out what tracks ā€œgoā€ with what other tracks, finding out which sections of tracks can be used with which other sections of other tracks, exactly how instrumental some of the instrumental breakdowns are, where the great vocal stabs are and so on.

And all that isnā€™t going to happen particularly well anywhere other than at home, way before the gig.

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Ah yah completely. Iā€™m looking to get a set for home so thatā€™s where my mind is at ā€” I wanna stay in the zone at home, organically switching between playing sets and setting up tracks w grids, cues etc.

Between the huge price cuts, the Prime 4, and the streaming services coming to the Denons I think the line makes so much sense for a home setup and preparing trax on the devices would make it a slam dunk imo.

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Preparing would be to slow on the devices (waveform generation and all). However, being able to adjust a beat grid, bpm, cue name, crate etc., would make life so much easier.


It would still be nice to have this option available, I do various genre including 80/90ā€™s Soul Funk etc and I just donā€™t have time to prepare that stuff (and timing is often all over) so it would be nice just if and when I decide I want to add one of these type tracks in say a house music set for example, It would be great not to have to go to the software for these random tracks, I do Prepare but I am old school in preferring to put sets together in an organic manor hands on, not clicking my mouse. so it would be good to have this more in-depth Gridding via the SC no doubts in my mind, I use what ever tool is available depending on what I am doing and my mindset for that time, Flexibility is key and having choices.

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  1. On the MCX8000 I had buttons to edit the serato beatgridā€¦ now I have to go to the laptop because the current serato controller mode has no buttons set up to modify the beatgrid.

  2. I canā€™t edit the tempo in standalone mode? This causes beatgridding to be instantly useless along with several related features when a tempo isnā€™t correctly identified. Iā€™m not a fan of preparation, even if he is king, I run my files through platinum notes, mixed in key, serato, and now I have to do Engine Prime? good luck with the size of my library, itā€™s crashed every time Iā€™ve tried. I prepare my files, but in general, DJs are going to start expecting hardware that I can just jam a USB into, and go, beatgrids show up in <10 seconds, and I have full control over those and the tempo such that all these great loop, roll, beatjump, etc. features work 100% of the time if the DJ wants them too. Analysis can take a backseat for all I care, I shouldnā€™t have to prepare a file at all to modify any of the main musical attributes (key, tempo, etc.)

  3. In serato controller mode, The waveform should reflect seratoā€™s colorized waveform and the information should be relayed similarly to how it is relayed in serato. The Denon waveform display style should be limited to when the units are running in standalone mode and the units should display a far more stylistically, and informationally consistent display to what serato normally shows users. This is not only limited to the waveform display, In my opinion it would be far more stylistically consistent to make the entirety of the display match what serato shows users per deck. (with the led job colors being locked to seratoā€™s deck colors, and other lights, colors, and stylistic elements already matching seratoā€™s scheme)