Beat grid swaying

just noticed when i zoom in it shows beat grid swaying left and right to the song your mixing too,doesnt seem to affect the sound . anyone else notice this ?

Same for me… I can’t DJ like this so I had to downgrade again. PLEASE FIX!

I think this is the already reported comment of the beat grid appearing only appearing “on beat” when the grid markers pass the central white line (the play head)

did you notice a problem with sound when mixing, i didnt but will check again today

What exactly do you mean by the play head? Sorry, I’m not a native English speaker. Is there a solution to fix this issue? I haven’t found one yet, so I downgraded again.

The “play head “ is the term given to the white line down the centre of the screen.

So basically you’re saying we can’t get rid of the swaying for now but when the beat markers are matched at the play head, it should be aligned fine?

Why can’t the beat markers be aligned the whole way through… it worked in the previous version?!

I’m not the one to ask for that.

However, reading between the lines, in the enormous firmware update and software release that was Engine DJ 2.0 a couple of days ago, the waveforms have had major enhancements applied. They’ve had their pretty smoothing removed, leaving them with far more visible detail, they’ve been removed from being saved as a static graphic blobs in the database (which makes the database faster and with better data integrity) and other changes.

There’s every chance that in some future release, the waveforms will scroll across the screens in a more “locked” beatgrid fashion, where both tracks have beatgrids

yes am getting this issue too. I noticed it yesterday the grids don’t line up right with the tracks. hope it gets fix soon

If you all agree on my explanation or observation:

What we see in 2.0 is this: a slower track in sync with a faster track needs to go faster past the play head. Sort of a parallax effect. In older versions the grid is expanded or contracted and therefore the same as the other track.

It is confirmed here by dev: [Confirmed] V2.0 - Waveforms only sync on white centre line - #5 by AIRVince

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