Any plans for a DJS1000 style sampler

My thought as well.

Maybe a next gen Akai stand-alone unit with Engine connect support, Ableton Link support.

open source or trusted partner licensing programme for Engine Connect is also another option.

Let any interested third party hardware manufacturer add it to their current or future gear.

All the Roland Aira Drum machine stuff perfectly in sync with the Prime decks with grids, phase detection.


Push Etc


Exactly! Donā€™t just do a one for one of Pioneerā€™s unit, or anyone elseā€™s for that matter. Improve on it, make it so that Denon has something no one else has!! After all Denon want to take the monopoly from Pioneer, the more they can offer the more people will want to jump ship. Theyā€™re already innovating beyond Pioneer so if they did bring something out Iā€™m sure it would be something special!


Just buy an Akai Force.

I already did, but I canā€™t syncronize the bpm of the Force to the bpm of the SC5000 players. Midi coming out from the X1800 is not working as expected. An ethernet connection to use the DenonDJ ethernet link port could be used to sync the Force and the players, exactly the same way that the x1800 syncs with the players.

Already posted this issue in this forum and in Akai forums, but I received no answer :unamused:

Really love ur concept drawing. Looks that youā€™ ve to much time mate.

If Denon would bring out something like this, Iā€™m on board getting it directly, canā€™t wait to get my hands on something like this.

Denon should consider working closer 2gether with all the other Inmusic brands.

Inmusic has the resources to bring such a unique product to life and make it really an awesome outstanding one.

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An alternative option would be to add a sequencer/sampler/loop player directly into the players and sell a USB controller to add extra buttons.

A Pioneer DJ DDJ-XP2 style controller could retail for Ā£300 and open up a hidden sample player within the Engine operating system that only shows once it is plugged into the rear Prime USB port.

I cant see them being interested - this topic has 6 likes - hardly a clear indication that there is interest out there.

This is not a too much time. This is very in depth thought device that I am missing. I used remix decks, stems, effect processors and fx units in traktor. I would like to bring all this to stand alone unit plus give it more options. Effect macros triggers, fx and sampling layers, live loop capture from linked decks and many more.

I created an almost complete document describing all buttons and display views plus workflow and how things should be done to keep it dj friendly. I work on this unit since January and still refining and improving the work flow and layout. More will come i right timeā€¦


Itā€™s not extra buttons that a sampler would need.

Itā€™s memory

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It depends on what RAM is free. Until the engineers look into it we donā€™t know. Multitasking has come a long way in recent years and so has optimisation. The Prime units donā€™t a lot of the OS overheads that a laptop or computer has so it is worth investigating.

Recorder storage isnā€™t an issue, only how many could be loaded at one time. If RAM is an issue, some stuff could be loaded directly to an XP2 style device and connected via USB or ethernet.

I have had this for 10 years nowā€¦ and it is cheap.

Build that into a XP2 style controller and it would be a winnerā€¦ Ā£350 to re-house that into something with bigger pads and an OLED screen.

Just nudge the bpm directly on the force to match the mix or vice versa. Ive been using mine combined with Deejaying both with Denon Gear and Pioneer gear. Live looping and sampling thrown in here and there as well. The real feature request here should be to have Ableton Link on the Denon Players. Then they could be synced with any hardware that has ableton link enabled. There are also translator solutions out there to sync link to midi mtc.


I had one of those redsound soundbite pro units for a while. It was ā€œokā€ sound quality wise and held about 10 mins of 96/24 sound (although it sounded worse than that). I had to take it apart several times as the buttons and the pads kept failing frequently and found the ram chips inside on google - 1gb of ram. But thatā€™s 1gb dedicated to just being a sampler.

A prime has two layers of course and buffers an entire track into memory from each layer, so thatā€™s potentially about the sameā€¦ 2 x 5 minute tracks = 10 minutes. But a primes got other things to use memory for.

Yeah, I had the original Cycloops Mk1 and grabbed the Soundbite Pro when it launched and think where we are in 2020 compared to the esrly 2000s is amazing. For the same price now we could double the technology for much less.

I think Ā£500 for something like that with pads. Winner!

Ableton Link would be a great choice. Then then it could be added as an app like the Launchpad app.

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Now that they have updated the mixer and the BPM send via midi is fixed. Does this mean that the Pioneer DJS-1000 will now play nicely with the system?

Even with this last firmware, I am still unable to sync properly the Akai Force with the Primes :frowning:


Oh never! Thought we were on to something here for a minute. :man_shrugging:t2: Maybe next time!

Prophetic words indeed, Reese - I now own an MPC Live.

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Are you able to sync it properly (via MIDI for example) to the Primes? I mean, suppose that you have a clip in the MPC that is synced to the Primes (the MPC listens as a MIDI slave). If you move slightly the tempo fader of the SC5000, do the MPC and the SC5000 keep in sync? I own an Akai Force, and thereā€™s no way that I could find up to date, to accomplish this. I really hope that AKAI and DenonDJ get better integration in a near future, letā€™s cross fingers

No sync available yet, and if Denon and Akai do sort out Ableton link support, I will still need something like an Akai Force with an Ethernet / LINK port. I chose the Live because it has battery power - I love the portability.

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