All Collections and Playlists missing from Engine Prime

Used Engine Prime for the last 9 shows. Just opened it up and there is nothing in there. No Files, no playlists, no collections. Everything is gone. I am assuming there is a simple answer to this. I mean right?

Hi @qpsound - Welcome to the community!

We’ll be happy to help but will need a bit more information in order to do so.

What version of Engine Prime are you using?

Is your music collection stored on your local HD or a removable drive? If you created your collection while a drive was connected, you’ll likely need to connect that drive to your computer to see the collection.

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Hey thanks for the response. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I am running the latest version of Engine Prime. All my music is on my desktop’s internal HD. I think what may have happened is I was cleaning up my cache and extra files and I may he accidentally deleted the file with all the metadata. Not sure if that happened or not. But that might be the case.

Also, I have a pair of the SC5000’s. They normally work fine. But Sometimes they malfunction during a live show. I have had them not load songs from playlists that were made in Engine Prime, but will load other sings from the same list. Then once I turn them off and back on they will play the song. I have had them reject a thumbdrive that was exfat format repeatedly, then accept it after trying 4 or 5 times. I have had them both slow down and speed up quite noticeably during a gig. Where I had to turn them both off to get them working again. All with the latest firmware updates installed. So I love them. But dont trust them to use them live anymore until I can verify that they will function properly.

Sorry to drop so much in one comment.

Hi - where do you put the cache / metadata files once you recover them? I did the same thing, recovered the files but still nothing.

Thanks in advance.
