1.6.2 / SC6000 Freezing / slowed?

Hi all,

Recently did the OTA update to my SC6000’s… Do I need to re-analyze my USB’s or something with Engine Prime OS on my computer as well?

I noticed if I have my USB’s in - the decks will commonly freeze (graphical). Audio isn’t changed but when working on deck 1, deck 2 will also freeze.

Removing all the USB and streaming from Tidal, issue seems to have gone away.

Also… all the Tidal songs now are loaded at half their original BPM? :expressionless:

Any idea?

I use a x1850 for my mixer.

Hello @exaltedsound Welcome to the forum.

I would use the newest Engine prime and a fresh export for these sticks as a first step to pinpoint the fault source.

Turns out my Engine Prime OS is already 1.6.1 :expressionless:

I’ll re analyze my whole library and export again.

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